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Books & Guides





(advice & resources)

15+ scicomm &
career courses


Coming in 2024!

Helping Students Write in the Sciences: Strategies for Efficient and Effective Mentoring of Developing Writers. B.G. Merkle and S. Heard. University of Chicago Press. ​Subscribe here for updates | Book details are available here.


Invited book chapter. Developing a SciComm Project Plan. S. Rowland and L. Kuchel, eds. In Teaching Science Students to Communicate: A Practical Guide. 2023. Springer. Order book. Access a PDF of my chapter.


Invited book chapter. Integrating art and science to effectively share knowledge. Interpreting Science at Museums and Historic Sites. D.A. Reid, K.-B.G. Scholthof, and D.D. Vail. In Interpreting Science at Museums and Historic Sites. 2023. Rowman & Littlefield. Order book. Access a PDF of my chapter

​Writing @ 7200 Feet: First-Year College Composition and Rhetoric—Or a Beginner’s Guide to Composing Academic, Civic, and Multimodal Genres. K. Kinney, B.G. Merkle, and S.C. Vélez, eds. 2016. Hayden McNeil: Plymouth, MI.


​Wild Migrations: Atlas of Wyoming’s Ungulates. M.J. Kauffman, J. E. Meacham, H. Sawyer, A.Y. Steingisser, W.J. Rudd, and E. Ostlind. Illustrated by B.G. Merkle and E. Rahel. 2018. Oregon State University Press. Order book.


​And Then There Were None: The Demise of Desert Bighorn Sheep in the Pusch Ridge Wilderness. P. Krausman. Illustrated by B.G. Merkle. 2017 New Mexico State University Press: Albuquerque, NM. Order book.

CommNatural Guides:
Resource & Advice Collections

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SciComm Advice

This collection highlights my advice about inclusive scicomm, much of which has been published in outlets beyond this blog. And, see my podcast: Meteor: The honest podcast about scicomm with impact.

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Career Advice

This collection of blog posts includes a cover letter template (and pep talk), scicomm life advice, how to be more creative in science and scicomm, and more.


The "No for it" collection features resources, advice, and examples exploring the importance of articulating your priorities, setting boundaries, and saying good nos. 

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Teacher Resources (all ages)

This collection emphasizes advice, tips, and resources which can be leveraged in classrooms. The collection includes many recommendations for good practices in inclusive scicomm, art-science integration, and more.

Sketching Tips

This collection of blog posts and excerpts from my SciArt newsletter archive provide actionable, hands-on tips and resources for enhancing your approach to observational sketching.

Pocket guide to nature sketching & field journals

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