I've been invited to facilitate quite a few workshops and trainings this fall. I'll update this list as more details are finalized. Hope to see you at/online for some of these!

Sketching for Scientists: A Sketching & Journal Basics Workshop for Curious Minds
September 1 | University of New Hampshire
Enhance Student Writing by Enhancing Your Feedback
September 1, 2:00-5:00 pm MT
SciComm Initiative, Writing Center, and Communication Across the Curriculum Program, University of Wyoming
Drawn to Natural History: Sketching & Journal Basics for Curious Minds
September 6, 6:30-9:00 pm ET | Morrin Centre, Quebec City, QC, Canada
Sketching for Scientists: Making and Using Drawings in STEM Teaching and Learning
September 12, 2:00-4:00 pm AT | University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada
Join via MS Teams or in-person on the Fredericton campus (contact Cindy Thomas, Centre for Enhanced Teaching & Learning)
Scholarly Writing Practices, Graduate Learning Community
Deadline: September 8 | Program runs: Tuesdays, September 19-October 24
Co-facilitated by me (UW SciComm Initiative) and Dr. Rick Fisher, Director, Communication Across the Curriculum Program, University of Wyoming
Leveraging Graduate Student Training to Build Institutional SciComm Capacity
September 22 | Join via Zoom
Science Institute Learning Actively Mentoring Program, University of Wyoming
Getting clear on why you're sharing science
September 27
Sponsor: Department of Geology & Geophysics, University of Wyoming
Enhancing mentoring workshop series
Fall 2023
Sponsors: WyoBIRD, NSF-funded research group working on ecology in Panama, University of Wyoming