Researcher. Leader. Catalyst.
I usually lead a handful of workshops, talks, and facilitated sessions each year. They tend to be about strategic planning or assessment, science communication, and art-science integration. Join me at one of the following sessions or contact me to schedule one near you.
Diverse Faculty Panel
February 12, 6:00-8:30 pm MT, Wyoming Union Ballroom, University of Wyoming
Moderators: Professor Bethann Garramon Merkle and Dr. Lauren McLean
Sponsors: School of Graduate Education, Graduate Student Network
Local RSVP link (dinner provided); live stream link
Enhancing your mindset and narrative skills to enhance your writing
February 24, 2025, full-day retreat for Stengl-Wyer Fellows and faculty, University of Texas-Austin
Thinking like a writer: An academic writing workshop for graduate students and postdocs
February 25, 2025, 1/2 day workshop, EEB Graduate Program, University of Texas-Austin
Enhance student writing by enhancing your feedback: An academic writing workshop for faculty & mentors
February 25, 2025, 1/2 day workshop, EEB Graduate Program, University of Texas-Austin
Mentoring scientific writing efficiently and effectively
July 6, 25, 2025, 1/2-day workshop co-taught with Stephen Heard for the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution annual conference, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.
Diverse Faculty Panel
February 1, 6:30-8:00 pm MT Union Family Room, University of Wyoming
Moderator: Dr. Zebadiah Hall, Vice President of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Sponsors: UW School of Graduate Education, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
RSVP required here
Ethical and legal ways to use images and work with artists for science communication
February 23, 11 am MT
Register here
Sponsor: University of Arizona's Water Whys program
Storytelling with community-engaged research
February 27, 9:30 am MT
Sponsors: Macrosystems Ecology for All Research Coordination Network, Northern Kentucky University, National Science Foundation
Storytelling in science
March 19
Sponsors: Movement & Migration Ecology Research Group, University of Wyoming
Sketching for Scientists: Observational Drawing Techniques for Field & Lab Courses
Spring 2024, 9 sessions | virtual & in-person
Sponsors: Southern Oregon University, University of New Brunswick, University of Wyoming
These workshops are part of my on-going Drawn to Science study & instructor support program. Click here to learn more and sign your field or lab course up for Fall 2024!
Entering mentoring: An interactive workshop on evidence-based practices for mentorship
August 2024 (date/time TBA)
Ecological Society of America annual meeting
Invited by faculty at Chapman University
Sketching for Scientists: A Sketching & Journal Basics Workshop for Curious Minds
September 1 | University of New Hampshire
Enhance Student Writing by Enhancing Your Feedback
September 1, 2:00-5:00 pm MT
SciComm Initiative, Writing Center, and Communication Across the Curriculum Program, University of Wyoming
Drawn to Natural History: Sketching & Journal Basics for Curious Minds
September 6, 6:30-9:00 pm ET | Morrin Centre, Quebec City, QC, Canada
Sketching for Scientists: Making and Using Drawings in STEM Teaching and Learning
September 12, 2:00-4:00 pm AT | University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada
Join via MS Teams or in-person on the Fredericton campus (contact Cindy Thomas, Centre for Enhanced Teaching & Learning)
Scholarly Writing Practices, Graduate Learning Community
Deadline: September 8 | Program runs: Tuesdays, September 19-October 24
Co-facilitated by me (UW SciComm Initiative) and Dr. Rick Fisher, Director, Communication Across the Curriculum Program, University of Wyoming
Leveraging Graduate Student Training to Build Institutional SciComm Capacity
September 22 | Join via Zoom
Science Institute Learning Actively Mentoring Program, University of Wyoming
Getting clear on why you're sharing science
September 27
Sponsor: Department of Geology & Geophysics, University of Wyoming
Enhancing mentoring workshop series
Fall 2023
Sponsors: WyoBIRD, NSF-funded research group working on ecology in Panama, University of Wyoming